Testi d’esame disponibili in formato elettronico
In rete di Ateneo
Alpaydin: Introduction to machine learning (3 ed.)
Alur: Principles of cyber-physical systems
Baldi: Stochastic calculus
Bardi: Optimal control and viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations
Barron: Game theory: an introduction (2 ed.)
Bell: Set theory: boolean-valued models and independence proofs (3 ed.)
Bernard: IT service management based on ITIL 2011 edition
Björk: Arbitrage theory in continuous time 2. ed (2004), 4. ed (2019)
Bremaud: Markov chains, Gibbs fields, Monte Carlo simulation and queues (2 ed.)
Brezis: Functional analysis, Sobolev spaces and partial differential equations
Caravenna: Probabilità
Cardin: Elementary symplectic topology and mechanics
Conforti: Integer programming
Cormen: Introduction to algorithms
Dalla Riva: Singularly perturbed boundary value problems
Dumas: Fundamentals of business process management
Evans: Measure theory and fine properties of functions
Fall: Computational cell biology
Fitzmaurice: Applied longitudinal analysis (2 ed.)
Georgii: Stochastics. Introduction to probability and statistics (2 ed.)
Gu: Structural bioinformatics (2 ed.)
Hennessy: Computer architecture: a quantitative approach (5 ed.)
Isaacs: Algebra: a graduate course
Isaacs: Finite group theory
Jacobson: Basic algebra, v.1 (2 ed.)
Jain: Introduction to biometrics
Keener: Mathematical physiology
Klenke: Probability theory. A comprehensive course (3 ed.)
Klette: Concise computer vision
Lamberton: Introduction to stochastic calculus applied to finance (2 ed.)
Lax: Functional analysis
Lee: Introduction to smooth manifolds
MacKenzie: Game theory for wireless engineers
MacLane: Categories for the working mathematician (2 ed.)
Marcus: Number fields
McDuff: Introduction to symplectic topology (3 ed.)
Miranda: Algebraic curves and Riemann surfaces
Nisan: Algorithmic game theory
Pascucci: Finanza matematica
Quarteroni: Calcolo scientifico (6 ed.)
Quarteroni: Introduzione al calcolo scientifico (3 ed.)
Quarteroni: Modellistica numerica per problemi differenziali (6 ed.)
Quarteroni: Numerical models for differential problems (2 ed.)
Quarteroni: Scientific computing with MATLAB and Octave (4 ed.)
Ratha: Advances in biometrics
Ross: Applied probability models with optimization applications (2 ed.)
Rotman: An introduction to homological algebra (2 ed.)
Safarevič: Basic algebraic geometry, v.1: Varieties in projective space (3 ed.)
Safarevič: Basic algebraic geometry, v.2: Schemes and complex manifolds (3 ed.)
Salsa: Equazioni a derivate parziali: metodi, modelli e applicazioni (2 ed.)
Salsa: Partial differential equations in action (3 ed.)
Salsa: Partial differential equations in action: complements and exercises
Schneider: Extragalactic astronomy and cosmology: an introduction
Schneier: Applied cryptography: protocols, algorthms, and source code in C (2 ed.)
Seierstad: Optimal control theory with economic applications
Stenstrom: Rings of quotients
Stewart: Algebraic number theory and Fermat's last theorem (4 ed.)
van Oosten: Realizability: an introduction to its categorical side
Watt: Machine learning refined
Weibel: An introduction to homological algebra
Accesso libero
Aceto: Reactive systems modelling, specification and verification
Arnold: Ordinary differential equations
Arnolʹd: Mathematical methods of classical mechanics (2 ed.)
Atzeni: Database systems: concepts, languages and architectures
Barabási: Network Science
Batini: Conceptual database design: an entity-relationship approach
Beauville: Surfaces algebriques complexes
Bertsekas: Data networks (2 ed.)
Bishop: Pattern recognition and machine learning
Chicone: Ordinary differential equations with application
Crandall: Prime numbers: a computational perspective 1 ed. (2001), 2 ed. (2005)
Cutland: Computability
Dalen: Logic and structure (3 ed.)
Dwork: The algorithmic foundations of differential privacy
Elenkov: Android security internals: an in-depth guide to Android's security
Etingof: Introduction to representation theory
Goodfellow: Deep learning
Hastie: Elements of statistical learning: data mining, inference, and prediction (2 ed.)
Hastie: Statistical learning with Sparsity (2 ed.)
Hatcher: Algebraic topology
Hawkins: Lebesgue's theory of integration. Its origins and development 1 ed. (1970), 1 ed. (1970)
Hoffman: Linear algebra (2 ed.)
Humphreys: Introduction to Lie algebras and representation theory
Hyndman: Forecasting: principles and practice 2 ed. (2018), 3 ed. (2021)
James: An introduction to statistical learning (2 ed.)
Josh: Designing for Touch
Karttunen: Fundamental astronomy 1 ed. (1987), 2 ed. (1994)
Koblitz: A Course in number theory and cryptography (2 ed.)
Kolmogorov: Elements of the theory of functions and functional analysis, v. 1: Metric and normed spaces
Kolmogorov: Elements of the theory of functions and functional analysis, v. 2: Measure, the Lebesgue integral, Hilbert space
Lavine: Introduction to statistical thought
Levi-Civita: Lezioni di meccanica razionale, v.1: Cinematica. Principi e statica (ed. 1923)
Li: Fundamentals of multimedia
Lipovaca: Learning you a Haskell for great good
Lucchetti: A primer in game theory
Macdonald: Algebraic geometry; introduction to schemes
Martin-Löf: Intuitionistic type theory. Notes by G. Sambin of a series of lectures given in Padua, June 1980
Milne: Fields and Galois theory
Minè: Tutorial on static inference of numeric invariants by abstract interpretation
Mitchell: Machine learning: an artificial intelligence approach
Nielson: Semantics with applications: a formal introduction
Nordstrom: Programming in Martin-Loef’s type theory. An introduction
Odersky: Programming in Scala 1 ed. (2008), 1 ed. (2010)
Patterson: Computer organization and design 4 ed. (2012), 4 ed. (2009), 5 ed. (2014)
Quarteroni: Numerical approximation of partial differential equations
Riesz: Functional analysis
Rotman: An introduction to algebraic topology
Rudin: Principles of mathematical analysis (3 ed.)
Rudin: Real and complex analysis (2 ed.)
Saad: Numerical methods for large eigenvalue problems (2 ed. 2011)
Safarevič: Basic algebraic geometry
Safarevič: Basic algebraic geometry, v.1: Varieties in projective space (2 ed.)
Schapira: Algebra and topology
Schilling: Strategic management of technological innovation 1 ed. (2005), 2 ed. (2008), 3 ed. (2010)
Seeds: Foundations of astronomy 11 ed. (2011)
Serre: Linear representations of finite groups
Serre: Local fields
Sipser: Introduction to the theory of computation
Stallings: Computer security: principles and practice (4. ed)
Stallings: Wireless communications & networks (2 ed.)
Tanenbaum: Distributed systems 3 ed. (2017)
Troelstra: Basic proof theory
Tucker: Applied combinatorics (6 ed. 2012)
Urma: Modern Java in action
van Dalen: Logic and structure 3 ed. (1997), 4 ed. (2004)
Van Handel: Probability in high dimension
VanderPlas: Python data science handbook
VanderPlas: Whirlwind tour of Python
Vasseur: Interconnecting smart objects with IP: The next internet
Vershynin: High dimensional probability for mathematicians and data scientists
Walid: Cyber-physical systems: a model-based approach
Wilson: Profinite groups
Zemanian: Distribution theory and transform analysis: an introduction to generalized functions, with applications